
Multi-Sig Wallet and more

Multi-sig wallet

PickAXE DAO will keep all NFTs and payments from the miners and NFT returns in a Gnosis Safe 3/5 Multi-sig wallet. All purchases through OS and payouts will be done manually by the owners of the multisig wallet.

Smart Contracts

Our Minting contract will be available for review once published. All funds from the sales will be sent to the multisig wallet while the NFT is deposited directly into your wallet.


Ares- Tim Vaillancourt, Massachusetts USA School teacher and Admin team.

POYO- Artist- Argentina - Admin Team

Campbell- Smart Contract architect- Australia- Admin Team

Rampageer- Admin Team Washington USA

HenhenHenri- Henry- Admin Team- Singapore- Business development manager

SageStrider- PA USA Admin Team

Last updated